As the cold weather looms, getting the house ready for the frigid temperatures should be high priority. Winterizing your home can cost a pretty penny, especially with the holidays coming up and budgets are tight. With that said, we’ve compiled a list of low budget ways to keep your family comfortable and warm this winter. The following tips to winterize your home are either free or less than $100 and they will make a big difference on those chilly days and nights ahead. Some of these tips will also save your household money from prior years’ winterization routines.
Turn Thermostat Back for 8 Hours
By turning your thermostat back 10-15 degrees for eight hours, you can save about 10% on your electric bill throughout the year. Do this while you’re at work or guaranteed to be out of the house for a while so the colder temperature won’t affect you too much.
Place a Rolled-Up Rug Outside Exterior Doors
By sticking a rolled-up rug, towel or mat of some sort underneath your exterior doors, you’re essentially taking one more step to blocking the cold from getting inside your house. This will ensure the heat you’re paying for stays inside and doesn’t get compromised.
Install Programmable Thermostats
Set your thermostat to a lower temperature while you’re out of the house and you will see a difference in your energy bill. It should cost anywhere from $40-$60 to buy a programmable thermostat and the investment will be worthwhile.
Clean Out Gutters
By cleaning out the gutters you’re avoiding water pouring into your driveway and creating hazardous icy patches in high traffic areas. If the gutters aren’t cleaned out, icicles could form and the gutters become inoperable.
Shift Ceiling Fan Blade Clockwise
Shift the ceiling fan blades clockwise to push the hot air that travels upwards back down towards the living spaces in your rooms, which will warm you right up.
Fireplace Plug
Buy a fireplace plug starting at around $35 to fix leaky fireplaces and prevent the cold air from making its way inside due to aging metal dampers corroding. The plug will ensure the cold air stays out and the fireplace’s metal dampers are properly sealed shut.
For more information about Center Island Contracting’s services call us at (631) 465-9765.